This lists every graduate since 2000, by year of graduation.
William Bell. On the Enforceability of Rights: Forfeiture and Reclamation (Philosophy, Wellman).
Judith Carlisle. What is Trauma? From Science to Social Justice (PNP, Craver). Assistant Professor, University of Tenneesee, Knoxville, 2024-present.
Chris Colacchia. Emotions that Feel Bad Are Bad (Philosophy, Brown).
Jordan Shaw. Sex/Gender Is Self-Identified (PNP and MSTP, Mallon).
Jeremy Henry. Socrates the Expert (PNP, Brown). Refugee Officer, United States Citizenship and Immigration Service, 2023-present.
Graham Renz. Painless Hylomorphism: A Deflationary Metaphysics of Form (Philosophy, Heil). Visiting Assistant Professor, Marian University, 2023-2024. Assistant Professor, Marian University, 2024-present.
Maria Waggoner. The Vices of Virtues: Making Room for Moral Testimony in the Life of the Virtuous Person (PNP, Hazlett). Assistant Professor, Purdue University, 2023-present.
James Gulledge. Perceptual Experience, Representation, and the Environment (PNP, O'Callaghan).
Xiaoyu Ke. Making Emotions Trustworthy (PNP, Hazlett). Postdoctoral Researcher, Zhejiang University, 2022-2024. Junior Research Fellow, Si-Mian Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, East China Normal University, 2025-present.
Rick Shang. Positron Emission Tomography from 1930 to 1990: The Epistemology and Process of Scientific Instrumentation (PNP, Craver). President and CEO, Vulpes Corporation, 2020-present.
Benjamin Henke. The Disunity of Perception (PNP, O'Callaghan). Postdoctoral Researcher, Psyphas Program in Psychology and Philosophy, University of Haifa, 2021-2022. Postdoctoral Researcher, Center for Philosophical Psychology, University of Antwerp, 2023-2024.
Emily Prychitko. Event Perception (PNP, O'Callaghan). Software Engineer, Mastercard, 2021-present.
Maria Doulatova. The Feeling Mind (PNP, Doris/O'Callaghan). Visiting Assistant Professor, Oklahoma State University, 2021-2022. Assistant Professor, St. Norbert College, 2022-2024. Visiting Instructor, Georgia State University, 2024-present.
Cameron Evans. Oppression and the Limits of Individual Moral Progress (PNP, Mallon). Instructor, Exploratory Studies Concentration, Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Nebraska Omaha, 2020-2022.
Caroline Stone. Psychological Construct Validity (PNP, Craver). Software Engineer, AT&T, 2021-present.
Christiane Merritt. 'Nouns That Cut Slices': The Ontology and Ethics of Stereotypes and Implicit Bias (PNP, Doris/Mallon). System Application Engineer, Lifeworks NW, 2021-present.
Nicholas Schuster. The Good, the Bad, and the In-Between: A Study of Moral Agency (Philosophy, Baxley). Postdoctoral Fellow, Humanising Machine Intelligence Project, Australian National University, 2021-present.
Katie Harster. Moral Pathology (PNP, Doris). Assistant Professor, Boston College, 2019-2024.
Kate Schmidt. Epistemic Justice and Epistemic Participation (PNP, Driver). Assistant Professor, Metropolitan State University of Denver, 2019-present.
Ian Tully. Parsing the Blues: What Depression Reveals about the Life Well-Lived (Philosophy, Doris). Postdoctoral Fellow, Berman Institute of Bioethics, Johns Hopkins University, 2020-2022. Assistant Professor, School of Nursing and Center for Global Health Ethics, Duquesne University, 2022-present.
Anna Christensen. Better Off Dead: Suicide in Plato's Philosophy (Philosophy, Brown), Lecturer, Central College 2017-2020. Assistant Professor, Central College, 2020-present.
Sarah Malanowski. Against the Grain: How the Delineation of Mechanisms Affects our Scientific Practices (PNP, Mallon). Visiting Assistant Professor, Florida Atlantic University, 2017-present.
Mark Povich. Model and World: Generalizing the Ontic Conception of Scientific Explanation (PNP, Craver). Lecturer, WUSTL, 2017-2019. Visiting Assistant Professor, Tulane University, 2019-2020. Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Rochester, 2020-present.
Nazim Keeven. A Story to Remember: Narrativity, Memory, and the Self (PNP, Craver/Doris), Assistant Professor, Bilkent University, Turkey, 2016-present.
Timothy Oakberg. A Normative Problem of Shame (PNP, Craver). Finance Manager, University of Colorado Anschutz School of Medicine, 2016-2019. Finance Director, Department of Neuroscience, University of Colorado, 2019-present.
Felipe Romero. The Social Epistemology of Scientific Self-Correction (PNP, Craver). Postdoctoral Fellow, Tilburg University 2016-2018. Assistant Professor, University of Groningen, 2018-present.
Nicholas Baima. Truth, Knowledge, and the Value of False Belief in Plato (Philosophy, Brown). Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Missouri-Columbia, 2015-2017. Assistant Professor, Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College, Florida Atlantic University, 2017-2022. Associate Professor, Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College, Florida Atlantic University, 2022-present.
Mike Dacey. Simple Minded: Rethinking Associations in Psychology (PNP, Mallon). Lecturer, WUSTL, 2015-2016. Faculty Fellow, Colby College 2016-2017. Assistant Professor, Bates College, 2017-present.
Lauren Olin. Housing Mirth (PNP, Doris). Assistant Professor, University of Missouri-St. Louis, 2015-present.
Tyler Paytas. Bound to Aim at Good Generally: A Sidgwickian Argument for Rational Impartialism (Philosophy, Driver). Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Institut für Philosophie, University of Stuttgart, 2015-2016. Research Fellow, Institute for Religion and Critical Inquiry, Australian Catholic University, 2016-2018. Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Dianoia Institute of Philosophy, Australian Catholic University. Senior Lecturer in Philosophy, Western Civilization Program, National School of Arts, Australian Catholic University, 2021-present.
David Winchell. Paradigmatic Self-Deception (Philosophy, Doris). Social Science Research Analyst, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, 2015-present.
N.P. Adams. Evidential Modern Political Authority (Philosophy, Wellman). Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Goethe University, Summer 2014. Visiting Assistant Professor, Virginia Polytechnic and State University, 2014-2015. Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Goethe University, 2015-2018. Postdoctoral Fellow, McMaster University, 2018-2019. Assistant Professor, University of Virginia, 2019-present.
Jason Gardner. Bio-Enhanced Constructivism: Moral Facts for the Naturalistic but Morally Serious Philosopher (Philosophy, Brown). Lecturer, WUSTL, 2014-2018, 2019-present.
Isaac Wiegman. Anger and Punishment: Natural History and Normative Significance (PNP, Mallon/Doris). Lecturer, WUSTL, 2014-2015. Lecturer, Texas State University, 2015-present.
John Gabriel. From Unity to Wholeness (Heil). Lecturer, WUSTL, 2013-2014.
Martin Turner. Moral Disagreement and Moral Realism (Philosophy, Brown). Senior Lecturer, Ohio State University, 2013-2016. Actuary, Reliance Standard Life Insurance, 2016-present.
Santiago Amaya. Slips (PNP, Sorensen). Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Humboldt University, 2012-2013. Associate Professor, Universidad de los Andes, 2013-present.
Jan Plate. Essence and Ontology (Philosophy, Sattig). Lecturer, WUSTL, 2012-2013. Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Philosophische Seminar, University of Tübingen, 2013-2014. Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Neuchâtel, 2014-2016. Scientific Collaborator, Universita della Svizzera Italiana, 2017-present.
Sarah Robins. A Constructive Trace Theory of Memory (PNP, Craver). Postdoctoral Researcher, WUSTL, Summer 2012. Assistant Professor, University of Texas at El Paso, 2012-2013. Associate Professor, University of Kansas, 2013-2023. Associate Professor, Purdue University, 2023-present.
Adam Shriver. The Asymmetry Thesis: Pleasure and Pain's Radically Different Contributions to Well-Being (PNP, Doris). Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Rotman Institute of Philosophy and the Brain and Mind Institute, University of Western Ontario, 2012-2013. Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Medical Ethics and Health Policy, and Visiting Fellow, Center for Neuroscience and Society, University of Pennsylvania, 2013-2017. Postdoctoral Research Fellow, W. Maurice Young Center for Applied Ethics, University of British Columbia, 2017. Research Fellow, Wellcome Centre for Ethics and Humanities and Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics, University of Oxford, 2018-2020. Health and Wellness Research Fellow, The Harkin Institute, Drake University.
David Bauman. Integrity, Moral Identity, and Why Moral Exemplars Do What is Right (Philosophy, Wellman). Assistant Professor of Business, Regis University, 2011-2017. Associate Professor of Business, Regis University, 2017-present.
Jeff Brown. A Normative Theory of Disability (Philosophy, May). Lecturer, University of Denver, 2011-2013. Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Denver, 2013-2017. Assistant Professor, University of Northern California, 2017-present.
Jill Delston. A Hybrid Theory of Global Justice (Philosophy, Brown/May). Visiting, Mt. Holyoke College, 2011-2012. Assistant Teaching Professor, UNiversity of Missouri-St. Louis, 2012-2018. Associate Teaching Professor, University of Missouri-St. Louis, 2012-2023. Assistant Professor, University of Missouri-St Louis, 2023-present.
Don Goodman-Wilson. The Manipulated Mechanism: Towards an Account (Philosophy, Craver). Adjunct Professor, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Colorado College, 2013. Founder, Railstars Limited, 2011-2014. Founding Engineer, Screenhero, Inc., 2013-2014. Senior Software Engineer, Slack, 2014-2016. Senior Development Associate, Slack, 2016-2017. Head of Developer Relations, Sqreen, 2017-2018. Developer Associate, GitHub, 2018-present.
Zach Hoskins. The Moral Permissibility of Punishment (Philosophy, Wellman/May). Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Robina Institute of Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, University of Minnesota, 2011-2014. Assistant Professor, University of Nottingham, 2014-2020. Associate Professor, University of Nottingham, 2020-present.
Arnon Cahen. The Epistemic Problem of Perception: Perception and Nonconceptual Apprehension (PNP, Sorensen/Bermúdez). Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Philosophy and Cognitive Science Program, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, 2010-2012. Research Fellow, Haifa University, 2012-2013. Teaching Fellow, Tel Aviv University, 2013. Postdoctoral Research Fellow, History, Philosophy, and Jewish Studies, Open University of Israel, 2014-2015. Teaching Fellow, Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, 2014-2015. Lecturer, St. Vincent College, 2018-2019. Visiting Fellow, Center for Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh, 2019.
Sylvia Rolloff. Explanatory Models in Behavioral Endocrinology (Philosophy, Des Chene).
David Speetzen. The Ethics of Forcible Democratization (Philosophy, Wellman). Visiting, Winona State University, 2011-2012. Assistant Professor, Winona State University, 2012-2018. Associate Professor, Winona State University, 2018-present.
Carrie Vodehnal. Virtue, Practical Guidance, and Practice (Philosophy, Doris). Lecturer, University of Colorado, 2015. Instructor, Environmental Studies Program, University of Colorado, 2016-present. Teaching Assistant Professor, Environmental Studies Program, University of Colorado, 2021-present.
Emily Austin. Fear and Death in Plato (Philosophy, Brown). Assistant Professor, Wake Forest University, 2009-2015. Associate Professor, Wake Forest University, 2015-2022. Professor, Wake Forest University, 2022-present.
Emily Crookston. John Locke on Obligation: Sensation, Reflection, and the Natural Duty to Consent (Philosophy, May). Visiting Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina, 2009-2011. Lecturer, WUSTL, 2011-2012. Visiting Assistant Professor, Coastal Carolina University, 2012-2015. Copywriter, Spring Insight, LLC, 2015-2016. Junior Copywriter, Jansen Communications, 2016-2018. Ghostwriter, The Pocket PhD, 2016-present.
Sarit Smila. From Care to Virtue (Philosophy, Friedman). Lecturer, WUSTL, 2009-2013. Adjunct Professor, Webster University, 2009-2013. Professor, University of Missouri-St. Louis, 2010-2013. Teaching Fellow, Bob Shappel School of Social Work, Tel Aviv University, 2014-present.
Brandon Towl. Non-Reductive Physicalism and the Theory of Constrained Kinds (PNP, Bermúdez). Founder and Chief Writer, Words Have Impact, 2011-present.
Stephanie Bauer. The Ethics of Human Enhancement: Feminism, Autonomy, and Authenticity (Philosophy, Friedman). Assistant Professor, University of Alaska Anchorage, 2008-2014. Associate Professor, University of Alaska Anchorage, 2014-present.
J. Clerk Shaw. Plato and Epicurus on Pleasure, Perception, and Value (Philosophy, Brown). Assistant Professor, University of Tennessee-Knoxville, 2007-2013. Associate Professor, University of Tennessee-Knoxville, 2013-present.
Steve Viner. Sovereignty and Self-Defense (Philosophy, May). Visiting Assistant Professor, Middlebury College, 2007-2008. Associate Professor, Middlebury College, 2008-present.
Matthew Cashen. Happiness, Eudaimonia, and Virtue Ethics (Philosophy, May/Brown). Lecturer, WUSTL, 2006-2007. Postdoctoral Research Fellow, WUSTL, 2007-2008. Assistant Professor, Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville, 2008-2014. Associate Professor, Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville, 2014-present.
Kai Wong. Collective Historical Responsibility and Deliberating about Identity and Responsibility in an Age of Diversity and Ambiguity (Philosophy, May).
J. Robert Thompson. Contexts, Intentions, and Content (Philosophy, Prinz/Robbins). Visiting Lecturer, University of Pennsylvania, 2003-2004. Visiting Assistant Professor, Denison University, 2004-2005. Visiting Assistant Professor, Rice University, 2005-2007. Visiting Assistant Professor, Wabash College, 2007-2008. Assistant Professor, Mississippi State University, 2008-2014. Associate Professor, Mississippi State University, 2014-present.
Eve Gaudet. The Asymmetry Between Quine's Indeterminacy of Translation Thesis and Underdetermination of Theory (Philosophy, Barrett/Gibson).
Ellen Landers. Mental Disorder in a Biomedical Age: Problems with Symptoms, Perils of Reduction Character and Choice (PNP, Prinz). Associate Program Officer, James S. McDonnell Foundation, 2003-2006. Associate Director of Development, WUSTL, 2006-2007. Director of Development Communications, Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, 2007-2009.
Christopher Robertson. Global Political Justice: Creating Supranatural Law to Prevent Harms (Philosophy, May). Attended Harvard Law School (J.D., 2007). Fellow and Lecturer, Petrie-Flom Center for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology, and Bioethics, Harvard University, 2008-2010. Faculty, College of Law, University of Arizona, 2010-2020. Professor, School of Law, Boston University, 2020-present.
Dan Weiskopf. A Defense of Conceptual Pluralism (PNP, Bechtel/Prinz). Assistant Professor, University of South Florida, 2003-2009. Assistant Professor, Georgia State University, 2009-2012. Associate Professor, Georgia State University, 2012-2019. Professor, Georgia State University, 2019-present.
John Hoal. Space of Exclusion and Inclusion (Philosophy, May). Already Professor of Urban Design, Sam Fox School of Architecture and Design, WUSTL.
Whit Schonbein. An Intimate Affair: Cognition and its Physical Basis (PNP, Bechtel). Lecturer, WUSTL, 2001-2003. Visiting Assistant Professor, Mount Holyoke College, 2003-2005. Assistant Professor, College of Charleston, 2005-2012. Teaching Assistant and Research Assistant, Computer Science, University of New Mexico, 2013-2017. PhD student, Computer Science, University of New Mexico, 2016-present. R&D Intern, Center for Computational Research, Sandia National Laboratories, 2017-present.
Ken Shockley. Social Groups and Special Obligations (Philosophy, May). Term Assistant Professor, Barnard College, 2002-2003. Assistant Professor, University at Buffalo, 2003-2009. Associate Professor and Director, Sustainability Academy, University at Buffalo, 2009-2016; Associate Professor and Holmes Rolston III Endowed Chair in Environmental Ethics and Philosophy, Colorado State University, 20165-present.
Brooks Siegal. Character and Choice (Philosophy, May). Midwife, Seattle Home Maternity.
Angela Bolte. Autonomy, Care, and Anger: Incorporating Emotions into an Account of Autonomy (Philosophy, Friedman). Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow, University of Nevada-Reno, 2001-2005. Co-owner, Whirlwind Mortgage, 2004-2008. Marketing and Admissions Coordinator and Academic Advisor, Fort Hays State University, 2008-2010. Academic Advisor, Barton Community College, 2010-2012, Director of Disciplinary Honors and Student Life, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2012-2014. Assistant Dean, Lloyd International College, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2014-present.
Karen Grayson. Making Moral Decisions: A Dialogical Approach to Ethics (Philosophy, Friedman). Principia College (IL), 1990-2007. Counselor in private practice, 2009-present.
Dennis Knepp. C. S. Pierce's Revision of Kant's Transcendental Analytic (Philosophy, Barrett). Big Bend Community College, 2001-present.
Chase Wrenn. Truth and the Normativity of Naturalistic Epistemology (Philosophy, Gibson). Assistant Professor, University of Alabama, 2001-2007. Associate Professor, University of Alabama, 2007-2016; Professor, University of Alabama, 2016-present.
Chris Eliasmith. How Neurons Mean: A Neurocomputational Theory of Representational Content (PNP, Bechtel). Post-doc, WUSTL Neuroscience, 2000-2001. Assistant Professor, University of Waterloo, 2001-2005. Associate Professor, University of Waterloo, 2005-2011. Professor, University of Waterloo, 2011-present.
Pete Mandik. Objective Subjectivity: Egocentric and Allocentric Representations in Thought and Experience (PNP, Bechtel). Assistant Professor, William Paterson University, 2000-2005. Associate Professor, William Paterson University, 2005-2011. Professor, William Paterson University, 2011-present.
Kate Parsons. Tinted Moral Lenses: On Moral Perception and Self-Perception (Philosophy, May). Assistant Professor, Webster University, 2000-2006. Associate Professor, Webster University, 2006-2015. Professor, Webster University, 2015-present.
Richard Rubin. Metaphysics as Morals: The Controversy between John Dewey and George Santayana (Philosophy, Watson).
Jonathan Waskan. The Medium of Thought: A Model of Representational and Inferential Productivity (PNP, Bechtel). Assistant Professor, William Paterson University, 2000-2002. Assistant Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2002-2010. Associate Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2010-present.
Tad Zawidzki. Understanding Language without a Language of Thought (PNP, Clark). Assistant Professor, Ohio University, 2000-2006. Assistant Professor, George Washington University, 2006-2009. Associate Professor, George Washington University, 2009-present.