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WashU Philosophers at SPP 2024

At the 50th annual meeting of the Society for Philosophy and Psychology, being held June 19-22 at Purdue University, check out these presentations:

  • Matheus Diesel Werberich will present "From episodic to semantic: why semanticization is a problem for enactivism about memory" in a session on memory at 1pm on June 20.
  • Danielle Williams will present "How to be a realist about computational neuroscience" in a session on computational and neural mechanisms at 3:30pm on June 20.
  • Matthew Kern will present "Functional Indeterminacy, Addiction, and the Harmful Dysfunction Analysis" in a poster session on June 20.
  • Mason Westfall will present "What Unifies Social Cognition?" in a session on social cognition at 1pm on June 22.