Maria Waggoner defends "The Vices of Virtues"


Maria Waggoner defends "The Vices of Virtues"

Waggoner defended her dissertation "The Vices of Virtues"

The Philosophy Department is delighted to announce that Philosophy-Neuroscience-Psychology PhD student Maria Waggoner has successfully defended her dissertation, entitled The Vices of Virtues: Making Room for Moral Testimony in the Life of the Virtuous Person.  Allan Hazlett was the Chair of the dissertation committee, which also included Ethan Kross (Psychology, University of Michigan), John Doris (Cornell University), Anne Baril, and Ron Mallon.  In her dissertation, Maria explores empirical constraints on the cultivation of moral virtue, and argues that being virtuous along one dimension can require falling short of virtue along another.  Her work has appeared in Philosophical Psychology and the Oxford Handbook of Moral Psychology.  In the Fall of 2023 she will join the Department of Philosophy at Purdue University as an Assistant Professor.  Congratulations, Dr. Waggoner!