
About the Department

The Department of Philosophy gives students and faculty the space to explore fundamental questions. A foundation of key thinkers, from Plato to the present day, is coupled with a commitment to interdisciplinary thought and openness to cutting-edge modes of inquiry. Our faculty includes a wide range of experts in ancient philosophy, epistemology, ethics, metaphysics, philosophy of mind and the sciences of the mind (cognitive science, neuroscience, psychology), philosophy of religion, philosophy of science (of specific sciences like biology), and more. Plus, we regularly host experts from around the globe to share their ideas and insights through intimate and accessible colloquia, talks, and other events.

The department offers an undergraduate degree in philosophy, and maintains a unique relationship with the undergraduate programs of Philosophy-Neuroscience-Psychology (PNP) and Linguistics. For graduate students, we house PhD programs in Philosophy and PNP.

Washington University balances a rigorous academic environment with myriad opportunities for research, learning, and debate, alongside supportive resources that give each of our students the tools they need to succeed.


Faculty research, publications, and areas of expertise.

learn about our research

Department of Philosophy: 314-935-6670 philosophy@wustl.edu