Graham Curtiss-Rowlands "Are Prudential reasons just moral reasons?"Are prudential reasons just moral reasons?12.12.24
Departmental, Students2024 Summer Philosophy AcademyThe Philosophy Department launched a new program that provides a free one-week course for high school students7.31.24
Unlocking the Power: Why You Should Consider Hiring Philosophy GraduatesA philosophy graduate can help you unleash your true potential as a business leader — and help you take your business to new heights2.7.24
5.1.24Auke Montessori's "Overlap: On the Relation Between Perceiving and Believing" to appear in Synthese
12.8.20Graham Renz publishes "What is Gods Power?" and "The Five-Category Ontology? E.J. Lowe and the Ontology of the Divine"
9.23.20Maria Doulatova publishes "Emotion's Role in the Unity of Consciousness" in Philosophical Psychology
12.18.19Casey O'Callaghan publishes "A Multisensory Philosophy of Perception" with Oxford University Press
2.7.17John Heil, editor of the Journal of the American Philosophical Association, wins 2017 Prose Award
9.21.16Wash U undergraduate Philosophy alumnus, Ben Westhoff, has just published a new book with Hachette Books