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Jordan Shaw defends "Sex/Gender Is Self-Identified"

Judith Carlisle defends "What is Trauma? From Science to Social Justice"

WashU Philosophers at SSPP 2024

Judith Carlisle wins 2024 Stenner graduate prize

Alex Cunningham's “Epistemically Hypocritical Blame” to appear in Episteme

Peace of mind: The science and philosophy of mental health

Will Bell's "Rights Reclamation" to appear in Philosophical Studies

Graham Renz's "Forms Are Not Emergent Powers" to appear in Inquiry

Maria Waggoner defends "The Vices of Virtues"

Jeremy Henry defends "Socrates the Expert"

Graham Renz defends "Painless Hylomorphism"

Siegel and Craver's "Phenomenal Laws and Mechanistic Explanations" to appear in Philosophy of Science

Derek Braverman contributes to Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Public Health

WashU Philosophy at the 2023 Pacific APA

Santosh and Plutynski to contribute to volume debunking myths about Darwin

WashU Philosophers at SSPP 2023

Alex Cunningham wins 2023 Stenner Essay Prize

Graham Renz's "Do Substances Have Formal Parts?" to appear in Analytic Philosophy

PNP PhD students at the 2023 Central APA

WashU Philosophers at the 2023 Eastern APA

Will Bell and Graham Renz's "Why There Is No Obligation to Love God" to appear in Religious Studies

Gabe Siegel's "Perceptual Modes of Presentation as Object Files" to appear in Erkenntnis

Judith Carlisle recognized by Arts & Sciences for research on trauma

James Gulledge defends "Perceptual Experience, Representation, and the Environment"

Xiaoyu Ke defends "Making Emotions Trustworthy"

One researcher’s artifact is another’s result

Judith Carlisle to contribute to Routledge volume on implicit cognition

Bioethics Undergrad Class Final Posters Fall 2021

Maria Waggoner publishes "The Focus of Virtue"

Anya Plutynski wins the 2021 Lakatos Award

Graham Renz publishes "What is Gods Power?" and "The Five-Category Ontology? E.J. Lowe and the Ontology of the Divine"

Graham Renz publishes "Hylomorphism and Complex Properties"

Nick Schuster publishes "Complex Harmony: Rethinking the Virtue-Continence Distinction"

Casey O'Callaghan publishes "A Multisensory Philosophy of Perception" with Oxford University Press

Will Fleisher publishes "Endorsement and Assertion"

Maria Doulatova publishes "Tracking Intentionalism and the Phenomenology of Mental Effort"

Emily Prychitko publishes "The causal situationist account of constitutive relevance"

Joseph McCaffrey and David Danks' paper has been accepted for publication